Many religious-right leaders said God anointed Trump as a “king.”
He is no longer king but will Jesus Christ return and place Donald J. Trump back on his throne? Will Donald Trump once again be a ruler, a king, chosen by God Almighty?
Trump has even declared himself the “chosen one.” Yes, Donald J. Trump: Anointed by God: Jesus Returns, is available now on Amazon Kindle.

Wayne Allyn Root, called Trump the “King of Israel” and “the second coming of God.” Later that day, when speaking to reporters, Trump embraced the prophet identity again, calling himself “the Chosen One,” in response to a question about trade dealings with China.
In our story, we learn what happens when Jesus Christ, our Savior, returns to earth for Judgment Day. It is not pretty. Sinners go to hell. A lot of sinners. A whole lot of very, very bad people.
And Donald J. Trump is anointed by Jesus Christ, God, the Father, and the Holy Spirt! He is placed back on his throne and has dominion over millions once again!
I. M. Probulos
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