Religious right leaders say God anointed Trump as a “king.” Trump has referred to himself as the “chosen one” He ought to know, right? If Donald J. Trump is the anointed one, if Trump is chosen by God, the Almighty, the Alpha and the Omega, then God should be talking to Trump, perhaps every day.
Trump has tweeted quotes from his more sycophantic followers, including Wayne Allyn Root, calling Trump the “King of Israel” and “the second coming of God.” When speaking to reporters, Trump has embraced the prophet identity again, calling himself “the Chosen One,” in response to a question about trade dealings with China.
I agree! Donald J. Trump is the chosen one! He is anointed by God, Himself. Jesus Christ returns to earth, in Times Square, and anoints Trump, personally! How cool is that! I just can’t imagine. Well, actually I can and did: Read all about it on Amazon Kindle: Donald J. Trump: Anointed by God: Jesus Returns

Wow! Isn’t this exciting! Trump anointed to his throne to have dominion over his subjects! What will that look like? Who knows? Well, I know and soon you will too once you read
Donald J. Trump: Anointed by God: Jesus Returns
No spoilers!
I. M. Probulos
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