I am an Alien Cosmic Über Entity: Others call me God

2022 is my ten-year anniversary of writing books related to religion, belief systems, science, and my favorite topic: Probability. If you have read any of my other Amazon Kindle books (over 30), you will see many familiar themes here. My goal is to focus on a particular slant: What would an Alien, Cosmic Über Entity be like?

The full name is an: Advanced, Alien, Timeless, Inter-Galactic, Trans-Dimensional, Über Entity, and Quantum, Probability Engine. You might call it God or the First Cause. In this book, I shorten the name above to Cosmic Über Entity and the acronym CÜE.

My goal is to challenge the current concept of a god or deity.

  1. Why, in the 21st Century, worship anything?
  2. Why use the term deity or god?
  3. What might be the nature of this Cosmic Über Entity?

Hopefully, some of my ideas will resonate. You don’t have to agree with my ideas—think of it as a starting point for a discussion. This is a thought experiment. This book is for those who already have doubts or questions about their faith. I want you to know that you’re not alone. For atheists and agnostics, this represents a radical new approach to describing a possible First Cause.
Let’s take a deep dive into the nature and description of gods, deities, and a singular God. In particular, The CÜE is my answer to the Kalam Cosmological Argument for a First Cause. It is not a He or an It. It is not a “being.” It has no body, no brain, no eyes, ears, or mouth. It is not an old man with a white beard sitting on a cloud. It is very different from us; it’s like comparing us to an ameba and multiplying that by a thousand.

In addition to using a Kindle device, you can download the Kindle software and this E-book to your personal computer, Android phone, iPhone or IPad. I hope you enjoy this E-book and if so, please tell your friends. You can help support my work by providing positive feedback and purchasing my other Kindle books on Amazon.com.

I appreciate your feedback. You can either e-mail me at improbulos@gmail.com or visit my website: www.improbulos.com.

I. M. Probulos
November 2022 [Ten year publishing anniversary]

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