
This is in Response to an article on whether those who hear God speak to them are normal or crazy.

Probably the only thing worse than people adopting a life of superstition,  the supernatural and religion is anyone listening to the voice in their head and thinking it comes from God or “a god.” What a dangerous proposition. The powerful and weak, the rich and poor, for milennia, have listened to this little voice and said, “God told me to do it.” How convenient for the oppressor and how useful that the oppressed accept their divine fate based on a better afterlife.

This is how millions have been slaughtered in a way no secularist would dream of. (Please leave your Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot debates for later.)

All world religions are a result of the very nature of man’s evolving brain and over 40,000 years of denying the 12 Unthinkable Horrors of Human Existence:

1) There is No Afterlife 2) God does not answer prayers 3) Life is chance 4) Life is not fair 5) There is no eternal justice 6 God is the invention of man. 7 A single mistake can ruin your life 8 Man is not special 9 There is no absolute Truth 10 Free Will is a Myth 11 Experts can be Wrong 12 Romantic Love is a Myth

Jump up and down all you wish, wanting something to be true does not make it so. God speaking to us, like Santa Claus and the dozens of other lies we have been telling our children and ourselves for tens of thousands of years is little more than wishful thinking. If we are to all live in peace, adopt science as means to end human suffering and live as one — a mature and sober acceptance of the Horrors above will move the human race, in the 21st-Century, to a more loving place than religion ever could. Religion helped us evolve and survive for thousands of years. Where does logic and reason go when God commands you to sacrifice your child?  Or that anotehr is possessed by the devil? Or that anyone, you don’t agree with, is listening to Satan?

The assumption that anyone talks or ever talked to God is ludicrous. Midievil Popes fought wars and had bastard children. Henry Eighth spoke to God and had his wife beheaded. God spoke to millions in the Bible to kill, rape, and pillage. Does this sound like on omnipotent diety commanding his favorite creation or the mind and whims of man? A sober and honest assessment of all world religions reveals that all are the invention and product of a human mind and not the words of any diety. A diety, any diety would be embarassed to be responsible for the atrocities and absurd fables attributed to it in any of the religious texts. And all morality, including the golden rule is the best of man, not any one religion.

It appears the author is simply stating that the approximately 85% of the human population that has faith or hears God’s voice is not “crazy.” The better explanation is that they are mor suseptible to irrational and superstitious behavior due to years of indoctrination from their family and church. There is also some evidence for a predisposition to supernatural belief in most of the human population. Some believe that faith and our belief in a God is a “spandrel” that helped primitive man survive in a capricious and dangerous world.  After all, who would not want to live forever in paradise, have a magic sky-daddy grant us miracles on request and have eternal justice? Accepting these as myths and wishful thinking just creates incentive to improve the human condition on earth. Doing something takes effort; prayer is what people do when they don’t actually want to do something constructive.

Ask yourself, if the religious person sitting next to you hears God command that person to slay you because you worked on a Sunday, or married after a divorce, do not believe in his God or you’re a homosexual, who could tell them otherwise? A secularist would assume they need professional mental help. The faithful would brandish their newly purchased assault rifle, comforted by the thought that they are not crazy and proceed to do as God commanded.

I. M. Probulos

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