More churchgoers now believe President Trump is anointed by God, according to two professors who study religion and politics.
In a “Religion in Public” blog post (2020) titled “Trump The Anointed?” Ryan Burge, assistant professor of political science and graduate coordinator at Eastern Illinois University, and Paul Djupe, an associate professor of political science at Denison University in Ohio, called it a “phenomenon that is sweeping American religion.”
No doubt about that! And I am here to set the record straight! What exactly will happen when Jesus Christ returns to earth, and begins the Second Coming, and Donald J. Trump is anointed by God? I’ve got it all here nice and pretty for you: Donald J. Trump: Anointed by God: Jesus Returns, available now on Amazon Kindle.

Will the Democrats and Liberals all be thrown into hell for an eternity of torture and torment? Will they be forced to listen to Trump speeches forever?
What happens to the faithful? The Catholics, the Protestants, the Mormons, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Jews? Will Trump “save the day?” Will Jesus Christ be the “judge not yet ye’ be judged’ Savior? Or will He mete out punishment as Yahweh?
So many questions and the Good News is I have the answers! Read all about it today!
I. M Probulos
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