Request for Reimbursement Policy Evaluation for Liposuction for Lipedema

Below is a sample letter to request a Reimbursement Policy Evaluation for Liposuction for Lipedema. While this example is Noridian Medicare, it can be used for any carrier. Just change the name and if they have any information in their manual I would add that as well. There are a… Continue reading

Liposuction for Lipedema Reimbursement Guidebook

Yes, this is the same Guidebook that is on It is provided here at no cost to you and in .DOC format so you can copy-and-paste any of into your pre-authorization or appeal document. I am updating it every 4-6 weeks. My goal is to update this document every… Continue reading

Health Insurance Timely Filing Period

This varies by insurance company. Each one is different but common periods are 90, 120, 180, and 365 days. If the insurance company does not receive your claim within their period it will be denied and you will be responsible for all charges. This has nothing to do with any… Continue reading

One-Page Liposuction for Lipedema Reimbursement Checklist

After several months feedback has been to simplify, simply, and SIMPLIFY! I’ve updated the checklist (Aug 14, 2020). I now have a one-page concise version plus a longer, three-page version. The guidebook will be updated shortly in Aug 2020 and is now over 50 pages. While personally I think all… Continue reading

Experimental/ Investigational/ Unproven Treatment Policy Review

Below I reviewed ten Experimental/Investigational (E/I/U) healthcare policies. The goal here is to compare and contrast them. While very similar, there are differences in the definitions, requirements, and restrictions. I have emphasized issues and terms I consider important. Remember my mottos: Words matter Specificity matters Dates matter Accuracy matters Tailoring… Continue reading