Medicare Carrier Reimbursement Policy – Maybe Covered if Medically Necessary

In 2020 there are numerous medical carrier reimbursement policies that fall into the “maybe” category. The policy references either liposuction or lipedema but states that it may be evaluated as reconstructive and medically necessary. In that case you have to work the four components of reconstructive: Improve functionality Restore to… Continue reading

Top Carrier Denial Reasons for Liposuction for Lipedema

The Excel Spreadsheet of this list is the end of this document. Below is a Visio Graphic of the same information. I recommend both and the graphic alone could take an hour to review and understand. This is a very important list. I recommend grading your documentation and case in… Continue reading

How “Insurance-Friendly” Is Your Liposuction For Lipedema Surgeon?

After accumulating hundreds of pages of information on how to be reimbursed for liposuction for lipedema, we now has the issue of “how insurance-friendly” is your chosen surgeon.” There is additional information on all of the specific terms in this article on this website. If you download the one-page checklist… Continue reading

Health Insurance Timely Filing Period

This varies by insurance company. Each one is different but common periods are 90, 120, 180, and 365 days. If the insurance company does not receive your claim within their period it will be denied and you will be responsible for all charges. This has nothing to do with any… Continue reading

One-Page Liposuction for Lipedema Reimbursement Checklist

After several months feedback has been to simplify, simply, and SIMPLIFY! I’ve updated the checklist (Aug 14, 2020). I now have a one-page concise version plus a longer, three-page version. The guidebook will be updated shortly in Aug 2020 and is now over 50 pages. While personally I think all… Continue reading