Filing Mistakes to Avoid

Below are some common questions we get concerning reimbursement for medically necessary, reconstructive liposuction for lipedema. will help you get covered for out-of-network gap coverage. What does this mean? It means that all physicians must be contracted with an insurance company to be considered “in-network.” Most all doctors are… Continue reading

How We Cover Liposuction for Lipedema Reimbursement

First download the One-Page Checklist and spend some time with it assessing where you are, what you have, and what you need to do. It is free. If terms are unfamiliar to you then download the Reimbursement Guidebook. There are dozens of additional documents, sample appeal documents and a library… Continue reading

Single Case Agreement (SCA) for liposuction for lipedema

Single Case Agreement (SCA) with Insurance Companies Making the case for single case agreement (SCA) with insurance companies Most cosmetic surgeons have chosen not to be a part of any insurance panel. Patients pay directly for services (out-of-pocket). Your insurance company may direct you to the nearest plastic surgeon assuming… Continue reading

Top Carrier Denial Reasons for Liposuction for Lipedema

The Excel Spreadsheet of this list is the end of this document. Below is a Visio Graphic of the same information. I recommend both and the graphic alone could take an hour to review and understand. This is a very important list. I recommend grading your documentation and case in… Continue reading

Requesting the Carrier Pay an Out-Of-Network Surgeon as In-Network

What you must do: We are assuming that you’ve passed the approval hurdle, the surgery has been deemed to be reconstructive and medically necessary and not cosmetic. You have also discussed the number of procedures required (typically at least two, depending on severity). Often the insurance carrier will assign the… Continue reading

How “Insurance-Friendly” Is Your Liposuction For Lipedema Surgeon?

After accumulating hundreds of pages of information on how to be reimbursed for liposuction for lipedema, we now has the issue of “how insurance-friendly” is your chosen surgeon.” There is additional information on all of the specific terms in this article on this website. If you download the one-page checklist… Continue reading