Requesting the Carrier Pay an Out-Of-Network Surgeon as In-Network

What you must do: We are assuming that you’ve passed the approval hurdle, the surgery has been deemed to be reconstructive and medically necessary and not cosmetic. You have also discussed the number of procedures required (typically at least two, depending on severity). Often the insurance carrier will assign the… Continue reading

Cosmetic VERSUS Reconstructive Liposuction

I encourage all doctors and associations to add, at the very least, the following single sentence to their website or blog (patients please share this with everyone who cares as well as your doctor; it can make the difference between reimbursement and a denial): There are two kinds of liposuction:… Continue reading

Medical Necessity for Liposuction for Lipedema

This term has different means depending on its usage. Many are inter-related. Clinical: It refers to whether treatment of a disease or condition is warranted medically. This is in regard to published Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) for care for a particular condition. There are clinical guidelines for many conditions including… Continue reading

Comparable Reconstructive Procedures Denied as Cosmetic

This is included more as a thought experiment. I don’t know if the “comparable procedure” argument would have any weight with an appeal review committee concerning reimbursement for liposuction for lipedema. I’ve never tried this strategy. However, if you’re working on your second or third-level appeal, it might be worth… Continue reading

Lipedema comorbidities and threats to the patient’s life

[Clinicians, please feel free to add or make recommendations to this document. You can reach me using the contact form – Jeff]. The main point here is that a carrier will deny your claim if the patient is too sick for the procedure and their concerns are not addressed. This… Continue reading

Provider / Patient Liposuction for Lipedema Fact Sheet

Lipedema is a condition in which there is a pathological deposition of fatty tissue, usually below the waist, leading to progressive leg enlargement. There is no cure for lipedema and it does not respond well to diet and exercise. Incidence: Estimates of the incidence of lipedema range as high as… Continue reading

Twelve-Step Liposuction for lipedema Reimbursement Plan

Education/Brief Overview of lipedema Lipedema is a condition in which there is a pathological deposition of fatty tissue, usually below the waist, leading to progressive leg enlargement. There is no cure for lipedema. Lipedema does not respond well to diet and exercise. It is the only available treatment for lipedema… Continue reading

ICD-10 Codes for liposuction for lipedema

Currently (MAR 2020), There is no ICD-10-CM diagnosis code in the United States specific to Lipedema. After reviewing this issue, I have identified three ICD-10-CM codes used in the USA for lipedema. Each one has its pros and cons. The three are: R60.9 Edema Q82.0 Familial Hereditary Edema E88.2: Adiposis… Continue reading

CPT codes for liposuction for lipedema

What CPT code should I submit for reconstructive liposuction? Continue reading